
A simple utility library for making the web more humane.


Humanize Plus Build Status

A simple utility library for making the web more humane.

Getting Started

Humanize Plus is available via node package manager.

npm install humanize-plus

Or download the minified version or the full version.

In your web page:

<script src="public/humanize.min.js"></script>
var capitalized = Humanize.capitalize("ten tiny ducklings.")
// "Ten tiny ducklings."

In your node package.json:

"dependencies": {
  "humanize-plus": "1.4.x"

For recent changes, see the Release Notes section.

API Methods



Formats a number to a human-readable string. Localize by overriding the precision, thousand and decimal arguments.

Humanize.formatNumber(123456789, 2)
Humanize.formatNumber(123456789, 2)
// "123,456,789.00"

Converts an integer to a string containing commas every three digits.

// "123,456,789"
intcomma - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for intComma

intword - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Converts a large integer to a friendly text representation. This method is now a thin wrapper around compactInteger

Humanize.intword(num, ch, de) === Humanize(num, de)

Humanize.intword(123456789, 'nopnopnopnop', 1)
Humanize.intword(123456789, 'nopnopnopnop', 1)
// "123.5M"
Humanize.intword(123456789, 'this is a nop', 3)
// "123.457M"
Humanize.intword(10, 'still a nop', 1)
// "10.0"

Converts an integer into its most compact representation.

Humanize.compactInteger(123456789, 1)
Humanize.compactInteger(123456789, 1)
// "123.5M"
// Switch to scientific notation for trillons, because no one knows those abbreviations.
Humanize.compactInteger(-7832186132456328967, 4)
// "-7.8322x10^18"
Humanize.compactInteger(-100, 2)
// "-100.00"

Bounds a value from above. Modified values have customizable ending strings ('+' by default)

Humanize.boundedNumber(110, 100)
Humanize.boundedNumber(110, 100)
// "100+"
Humanize.boundedNumber(50, 100)
// "50"
truncatenumber - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for boundedNumber


Converts an integer to its ordinal as a string.

// "22nd"

Interprets numbers as occurences. Also accepts an optional array/map of overrides.

for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
  Humanize.times(i, {"4": "too many"});
  // Bonus!
  if (i === 1) {
// never
// once
// 1.1 times
// twice
// 3 times
// too many times

Matches a pace (value and interval) with a logical time frame. Very useful for slow paces.

second = 1000
second = 1000
week = 6.048e8
decade = 3.156e11
Humanize.pace(1.5, second, "heartbeat")
// Approximately 2 heartbeats per second
Humanize.pace(4, week)
// Approximately 4 times per week
Humanize.pace(1, decade, "life crisis")
// Less than 1 life crisis per week

Formats the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. '13 KB', '4.1 MB', '102 bytes', etc).

Humanize.fileSize(1024 * 20)
Humanize.fileSize(1024 * 20)
// "20 Kb"
Humanize.fileSize(1024 * 2000)
// "1.95 Mb"
Humanize.fileSize(Math.pow(1000, 4))
// "931.32 Gb"
filesize - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for fileSize


Returns the plural version of a given word if the value is not 1. The default suffix is 's'.

Humanize.pluralize(1, "duck")
Humanize.pluralize(1, "duck")
// "duck"
Humanize.pluralize(3, "duck")
// "ducks"
Humanize.pluralize(3, "duck", "duckies")
// "duckies"



Truncates a string if it is longer than the specified number of characters. Truncated strings will end with a translatable ellipsis sequence ("…").

Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you')
Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you')
// "long text is good for you"
Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you', 19)
// "long text is goo..."
Humanize.truncate('long text is good for you', 19, '... etc')
// "long text is... etc"

Truncates a string after a certain number of words.

Humanize.truncateWords('long text is good for you', 5)
Humanize.truncateWords('long text is good for you', 5)
// "long text is good for ..."
truncatewords - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for truncateWords

nl2br and br2nl

Flexible conversion of <br/> tags to newlines and vice versa.

// Use your imagination
// Use your imagination

Capitalizes the first letter in a string, optionally downcasing the tail.

Humanize.capitalize("some boring string")
Humanize.capitalize("some boring string")
// "Some boring string"
// "WHoOaA!"
Humanize.capitalize("wHoOaA!", true)
// "Whooaa!"

Captializes the first letter of every word in a string.

Humanize.capitalizeAll("some boring string")
Humanize.capitalizeAll("some boring string")
// "Some Boring String"

Intelligently capitalizes eligible words in a string and normalizes internal whitespace.

Humanize.titleCase("some of a boring string")
Humanize.titleCase("some of a boring string")
// "Some of a Boring String"
Humanize.titleCase("cool the          iTunes cake, O'Malley!")
// "Cool the iTunes Cake, O'Malley!"
titlecase - DEPRECATED - This method will not be present in the next major version.

Alias for titleCase



Converts a list of items to a human readable string with an optional limit.

items = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'pear', 'pineapple']
items = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'pear', 'pineapple']
// "apple, orange, banana, pear, and pineapple"
Humanize.oxford(items, 3)
// "apple, orange, banana, and 2 others"
// Pluralizes properly too!
Humanize.oxford(items, 4)
// "apple, orange, banana, pear, and 1 other"
Humanize.oxford(items, 3, "and some other fruits")
// "apple, orange, banana, and some other fruits"

Describes how many times an item appears in a list

aznPics = [
aznPics = [
bigfootPics = []
"Asians " + Humanize.frequency(aznPics, "took pictures of food")
// "Asians took pictures of food 3 times"
"Bigfoot " + Humanize.frequency(bigfootPics, "took pictures of food")
// "Bigfoot never took pictures of food"

Utility methods


Fixes binary rounding issues (eg. (0.615).toFixed(2) === "0.61").

Humanize.toFixed(0.615, 2)
Humanize.toFixed(0.615, 2)
// "0.61"

Ensures precision value is a positive integer.

// 232

Important notes

Please don't edit files in the public subdirectory as they are generated via grunt. You'll find source code in the coffee subdirectory!


Installing grunt

This assumes you have node.js and npm installed already.

  1. From the root directory of this project, run npm install to install the project's dependencies.

And that's it!

Once grunt is installed, just run "grunt" in the root directory of the project to compile the CoffeeScript files into the public/ subdirectory.


Installing PhantomJS

In order for the test task to work properly, PhantomJS must be installed and in the system PATH (if you can run "phantomjs" at the command line, this task should work).

Unfortunately, PhantomJS cannot be installed automatically via npm or grunt, so you need to install it yourself. There are a number of ways to install PhantomJS.

Note that the phantomjs executable needs to be in the system PATH for grunt to see it.

Release Notes



  • documentation update for npm


  • add optional downCaseTail argument to Humanize.capitalize
  • add camelCase aliases

    • intComma -> intcomma
    • fileSize -> filesize
    • truncateWords -> truncatewords
    • boundedNumber -> truncatenumber
    • titleCase -> titlecase
  • optimize internal doTitleCase method

  • remove unused helper methods
  • add default arguments for truncate





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