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JS Partials

Similar to global partials, JavaScript partials are “slices” of your page that can be replaced with React. These can be used globally within HubL. Partials must be located in the components/partials/ subdirectory of the JavaScript project component. For instance, if you have a file components/partials/Header.jsx, which default exports a React component, then you can include it in your project HubL like so:

{% js_partial
   pageTitle="My page"
{% js_partial
   pageTitle="My page"

Any parameters passed to js_partial alongside the path will be available within the React component as props.

Directory Structure Requirements

A JS Partial file can live at either of the following paths, using the directory or file name as the partial name:


└── components/
    └── partials/
        └── ExamplePartial/
            └── index.jsx
└── components/
    └── partials/
        └── ExamplePartial/
            └── index.jsx


└── components/
    └── partials/
        └── ExamplePartial.jsx
└── components/
    └── partials/
        └── ExamplePartial.jsx

Regardless of the path you chose, the file (i.e. either ExamplePartial/index.jsx or ExamplePartial.jsx) must contain a default export of your component.