requestFactory: RecordingSettingsApiRequestFactoryOptional
responseProcessor: RecordingSettingsApiResponseProcessorThe ID of the app.
_options: ConfigurationRetrieve the recording endpoint configured for a calling extension app. Read calling app recording settings
The ID of the app.
_options: ConfigurationMark a call recording as ready for transcription, specifying the call by its ID (engagementid
Mark recording as ready for transcription
_options: ConfigurationMark a call recording as ready for transcription, specifying the call by its ID (engagementid
Mark recording as ready for transcription
_options: ConfigurationConfigure a calling extension app with an external URL that HubSpot will use to retrieve call recordings. Register calling app for recording
The ID of the app.
_options: ConfigurationConfigure a calling extension app with an external URL that HubSpot will use to retrieve call recordings. Register calling app for recording
The ID of the app.
_options: ConfigurationUpdate the URL that HubSpot will use to retrieve call recordings for a calling extension app. Update calling app's recording settings
The ID of the app.
_options: ConfigurationUpdate the URL that HubSpot will use to retrieve call recordings for a calling extension app. Update calling app's recording settings
The ID of the app.
_options: Configuration
Retrieve the recording endpoint configured for a calling extension app. Read calling app recording settings