

attendees: number

The number of HubSpot contacts that attended this marketing event.

cancellations: number

The number of HubSpot contacts that registered for this marketing event, but later cancelled their registration.

createdAt: Date
customProperties?: PropertyValue[]

A list of PropertyValues. These can be whatever kind of property names and values you want. However, they must already exist on the HubSpot account's definition of the MarketingEvent Object. If they don't they will be filtered out and not set. In order to do this you'll need to create a new PropertyGroup on the HubSpot account's MarketingEvent object for your specific app and create the Custom Property you want to track on that HubSpot account. Do not create any new default properties on the MarketingEvent object as that will apply to all HubSpot accounts.

endDateTime?: Date

The end date and time of the marketing event.

eventCancelled?: boolean

Indicates if the marketing event has been cancelled.

eventCompleted?: boolean
eventDescription?: string

The description of the marketing event.

eventName: string

The name of the marketing event.

eventOrganizer: string

The name of the organizer of the marketing event.

eventType?: string

The type of the marketing event.

eventUrl?: string

A URL in the external event application where the marketing event can be managed.

externalEventId: string

The id of the marketing event in the external event application.

id: string
noShows: number

The number of HubSpot contacts that registered for this marketing event, but did not attend. This field only had a value when the event is over.

registrants: number

The number of HubSpot contacts that registered for this marketing event.

startDateTime?: Date

The start date and time of the marketing event.

updatedAt: Date
attributeTypeMap: {
    baseName: string;
    format: string;
    name: string;
    type: string;
}[] = ...
discriminator: undefined | string = undefined
