indexOf = (haystack, needle) ->
for stalk, i in haystack
return i if stalk is needle
return -1
uniqueId = do ->
id = 0
-> id++
Mixen = ->
Mixen.createMixen arguments...
Mixen.createdMixens = {}
Mixen.createMixen = (mods...) ->
Mixen lets you combine classes together as needed. With it you can build smaller, easier to understand and more testable components, and more easily share code with others.
indexOf = (haystack, needle) ->
for stalk, i in haystack
return i if stalk is needle
return -1
uniqueId = do ->
id = 0
-> id++
Mixen = ->
Mixen.createMixen arguments...
Mixen.createdMixens = {}
Mixen.createMixen = (mods...) ->
Since a single mixin module can be used multiple times, we need to store the id of this instance on the outputted object, so we can figure out which modules were included with it when it comes time to resolve super calls.
We could also iterate over every mixen we've created so far, but that could have performance implications if you have lots of mixens.
Last = mods[mods.length - 1]
for module in mods.slice(0).reverse()
class Inst extends Last
If the extending class calls super
, or doesn't have a constructor,
this will be called to call each mixin's constructor.
constructor: (args...) ->
for mod in mods
mod.apply @, args
Last = Inst
for method of module::
Inst::[method] = module::[method]
for own method of module::
continue if method is 'constructor'
continue if typeof(module::[method]) isnt 'function'
Coffeescript expands super calls into ModuleName.__super__.methodName
Dynamically composing a bunch of inheriting classes out
of the mixins seems like a good idea, but it doesn't work because
CoffeeScript rewrites __super__
calls statically based on the
class super is in, so they would not respect these classes.
module.__super__ ?= {}
module.__super__[method] ?= moduleSuper(module, method)
Last::_mixen_id = uniqueId()
Mixen.createdMixens[Last::_mixen_id] = mods
moduleSuper = (module, method) ->
This is called when super gets called in one of our mixin'ed modules.
It resolves what the next module in the module list which has this method defined and calls that method.
(args...) ->
current = @constructor::
id = null
while true
Navigate up the inheritance tree looking for the object we created when we built the mixen. It will have the id we need to find the other modules.
We've hit Object, we're at the top of the inheritance list
return if current is Object::
id = current._mixen_id
When we find an id it means current
is a Mixen
break if id?
current = current.constructor.__super__.constructor::
return unless id?
modules = Mixen.createdMixens[id]
pos = indexOf modules, module
nextModule = null
while pos++ < modules.length - 1
Look through the remaining modules for the next one which implements the method we're calling.
nextModule = modules[pos]
break if nextModule::[method]?
if nextModule? and nextModule::? and nextModule::[method]?
return nextModule::[method].apply @, args
if typeof define is 'function' and define.amd
define -> Mixen
else if typeof exports is 'object'
module.exports = Mixen
window.Mixen = Mixen