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Transforming props

Decorators may read or change any number of the props passed to the HOC. A decorator can even provide additional propTypes and defaults to ensure the API of the HOC is clear.

Let's add a defaultCount prop to the decorator from the previous example.

import { PropTypes } from 'react'

const counter = () => {
  return {
    displayName() {
      return 'counter';

    propTypes(propTypes) {
      return {
        defaultCount: PropTypes.number.isRequired,

    defaultProps(defaultProps) {
      return {
        defaultCount: 0,

    nextProps({defaultCount, ...props}) {
      return {
        count: defaulCount,
const counterDecorator = makeDecorator(counter);

In propTypes, decorator adds a defaultCount propType to ensure that the prop it's expecting is defined. In defaultProps, it sets the default value of defaultCount to 0. In nextProps it renames defaultCount to count.

Now if we decorate a component with counter, that component will receive a prop named count with a value of 0 or whatever defaultCount was provided.

const ClickCounter = counterDecorator()(
  ({count}) => <button>{count} clicks!</button>

If we rendered ClickCounter like...

<ClickCounter defaultCount={5} />

The rendered markup would look like...

  5 clicks!

Next up

Learn about tracking state by exporting an incrementCount prop from counter.