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@hubspot/cms-components is a runtime library providing primitives to interact with features the JS Building Blocks platform and other HubSpot data from your components.



( ) => number

Returns the the current account ID (“Hub ID” or “portal ID”) for the page being rendered


( ) => boolean

Returns true for components rendered live for a deployed project and false when rendering in the dev server.


(secretName: string) => string

Returns a value for a given secret key. The secret must be defined using hs secrets in the CLI and the key must be included in a secretNames array in your cms-assets.json configuration. To prevent accidentally leaking secrets, getSecret() can only be called from components executed on the server and not from the browser (i.e. within an island).

See the Secrets section for more information on usage.


We provide a number of React hooks from the @hubspot/cms-components package to help write components that run on both the server and the browser.


( ) => boolean

Will return true only after hydration is completed. More specifically it will:

  • Return true during the initial render on the server.
  • Return true during the first render that happens inside the browser.
  • Return false during any subsequent renders that happen after the component has been “mounted” in the browser.

This hook is useful because React requires server-rendered HTML to match the initial client render. See the Server/Client Rendering section in the appendix for more information.


( ) => boolean

Returns true while the component is being rendered on the server and false in the browser. Note, in most cases it is better to use useAfterIslandHydration(), since it makes it easier for your code to “do the right thing” for hydration.


( ) => URL

Returns the current page URL. Works on server and is reactive to changes to the URL on client. This can be useful when components need to react to URL changes, such as query params, while also supporting server rendering. To programmatically trigger non-navigation URL changes, use pushHistoryState() which is identical to window.history.pushState() but integrates with usePageUrl() to ensure it receives change events.


(renderFunc: () => JSX.Element) => void

Provides an API to pass HTML to render in the <head>. This is most useful for collecting CSS from CSS-in-JS libraries and including the emitted CSS in the initial page response. See Styling for more details.


const [sharedState, updateSharedState, sharedStateID] = useSharedIslandState();
const [sharedState, updateSharedState, sharedStateID] = useSharedIslandState();

Returns an object of state shared multiple islands and updater function. It works similarly to useState, but updating the state via updateSharedState(newValue) will "reach across" and update all of the other islands that also use useSharedIslandState(). Works in coordination with the SharedIslandState component.


const [sharedState, dispatch] = useSharedIslandReducer();
const [sharedState, dispatch] = useSharedIslandReducer();

Returns an object of state shared multiple islands and a dispatch function. It works similarly to useReducer, but actions dispatched will "reach across" and update all of the other islands that also use useSharedIslandReducer(). Works in coordination with the SharedIslandReducer component.



See the Islands section for details.


Defines the initial value for the shared state accessed in useSharedIslandState() by other islands in this JS module or partial. All islands that are are "wrapped" by SharedIslandState (i.e. are children or descendents of the children) will share a single state reference. Note, SharedIslandState must be rendered on the server and cannot be contained inside an island.

<SharedIslandState value={...}>

<SharedIslandState value={...}>



Defines the reducer function and initial value for the shared reducer state accessed in useSharedIslandReducer() by other islands in this JS module or partial. All islands that are are "wrapped" by SharedIslandReducer (i.e. are children or descendents of the children) will share a single state reference and dispatch function. Note, SharedIslandReducer must be rendered on the server and cannot be contained inside an island and the reducer function passed in must imported with the ?client suffix (which will automatically prepare code-split that function for the browser to grab it).

import reducerFuncReference from '../path/to/reducerFunc.js?client';
<SharedIslandReducer value={...} reducer={reducerFuncReference} >


// reducerFunc.js
export default function reducerFunc(state, action) {
  if (action.type === 'increment') {
    state = {
      new: ‘state value’

  return state;
import reducerFuncReference from '../path/to/reducerFunc.js?client';
<SharedIslandReducer value={...} reducer={reducerFuncReference} >


// reducerFunc.js
export default function reducerFunc(state, action) {
  if (action.type === 'increment') {
    state = {
      new: ‘state value’

  return state;