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JS building blocks integrate with the same secrets store used by HubSpot serverless functions to receive sensitive data.

To start using secrets, store secret values using hs secrets add in the HubSpot CLI, then add the names of secrets used by your components to a secretNames array in your cms-assets.json config. For example:

// cms-assets.json
  "label": "My CMS project",
  "secretNames": ["TEST_SECRET"]
// cms-assets.json
  "label": "My CMS project",
  "secretNames": ["TEST_SECRET"]

To access the secret, @hubspot/cms-components exports a getSecret() function to return a given secret's value. To prevent accidentally leaking secrets, getSecret() can only be called from components executed on the server and not from the browser (i.e. within an island). If a secret value isn't sensitive and you need to access it in island components, you may call getSecret() outside the island and pass the value down via a prop.

import { getSecret } from '@hubspot/cms-components';

// ...

// in a React component outside of an island
const mySecretValue = getSecret('TEST_SECRET');
import { getSecret } from '@hubspot/cms-components';

// ...

// in a React component outside of an island
const mySecretValue = getSecret('TEST_SECRET');

Secrets in local development

To make secrets available with local development via @hubspot/cms-dev-server, create a .env file to define secret values for local use only. Keys in this file need to be prefixed with HS_ to be recognized by the dev server as secrets, for example:

// .env
// .env

This secret will be accessible locally by getSecret('TEST_SECRET').